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6 Jan 2015 Finally, then there is the pulutan - the finger foods that come with the drink. culture, as it appears in the earliest Spanish-Tagalog dictionaries. 9 Jun 2011 According to the report, pulutan —loosely translated as "beer chow" in English— is the most searched Filipino recipe online last month, which  Try This: FilipiKnow's Ultimate Tagalog-English Dictionary . unatin spin out with examples: pipiin, pinabukaka, piga ng isda, pilas sa bogan, pulutan sa  Lingkar Salatiga Km. 2 Pulutan, Salatiga, Indonesia teachers and students in introducing English as a foreign language for Indonesian students. 1. Cited in the Oxford English Dictionary as a North American word, boondocks as an accompaniment to alcoholic drinksExample: “Can you order our pulutan?”. 2 Jan 2021 List of Bisaya terms that begins with letter A-Z that needs English Another Filipino delicacy and usually serves as Appetizer or Pulutan Lake  Dictionary definition: noun; food or snacks provided as an accompaniment to alcoholic drinksExample: “Can you order our pulutan?”.

Pulutan in english

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pulutan (uncountable) (Philippines) finger food; Dupaningan Agta Noun . pulutan. snack; something eaten without rice; Tagalog Alternative Pulutan cooking ideas features cooking of food that is best paired with drinks! We cooked "pulutan " in our own style.

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Pulutan in english

View American English pronunciation of pulutan. English words for pulutong include lot, squad, corps, group, platoon, batch, set, mass, circle and swarm. Find more Filipino words at! Another puputan occurred on the 18th of April, 1908, at Klungkung Palace.. The intervention was triggered by a Balinese revolt against a Dutch attempt to impose an opium monopoly in their favour.

Pulutan in english

2020-12-01 UK /pəˈlu:tæn/. DEFINITIONS 1.
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Contextual translation of "pulutan" into English. Human translations with examples: philippine cuisine.

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Pulutan is the Filipino equivalent to the Spanish tapas, they are dishes typically served in small amounts usually enjoyed with beer or any alcoholic beverage.Pulutan can vary from something as fancy as garlic prawns down to saltine crackers mixed with canned tuna in oil. Author TagalogLang Posted on March 5, 2019 March 6, 2019 Categories TAGALOG-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.

The smell is mouthwatering, and the sight is absolutely mesmerizing –– altogether, pulutan. noun topics pulutan -noun See definition in Dictionary philippine english snacks to eat with drinks. Related terms: Types Definition and synonyms of pulutan from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. This is the British English pronunciation of pulutan..