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The sole shareholder of the AAS BTA Baltic Insurance Company Eesti filiaal. Ärinimi: AAS BTA Baltic Insurance Company Eesti filiaal Registrikood: 11223507 Aadress: Lõõtsa 2b, 11415 Tallinn Telefon +372 5 68 68 668 Riik: Läti Vahenduse eest vastutava filiaali juhataja nimi: Hiljar Kõiv Teenuste loetelu; Teenuse BTA Baltic Insurance Company, AAS (AS), 40103840140, Rīga, Sporta iela 11, LV-1013. Viss par uzņēmumu no valsts un nevalstiskajiem reģistriem AAS BTA BALTIC INSURANCE COMPANY EESTI FILIAAL. Ärinimi.

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Juriidiline aadress. Lõõtsa tn 2b BTA operates in all three Baltic States, with headquarters in Riga and branch offices in Tallinn and Vilnius. Since August 2016 BTA Baltic Insurance Company JSC is part of the Vienna Insurance AAS "BTA Baltic Insurance Company" filialo Lietuvoje rekvizitai: Įmonės kodas 300665654, Registro tvarkytojas VĮ Registrų centras; PVM mokėtojo kodas LT100005808219; Buveinės adresas: Viršuliškių skg. 34, LT-05132 Vilnius, Lietuva; Tel.: +370 5 2600 600, faks. +370 5 2102 666, el.paštas:; Bankų sąskaitos: AAS “BTA Baltic Insurance Company” branch in Lithuania The insurance company “BTA Baltic Insurance Company” is part of the Central and Eastern European insurance market leader “Vienna Insurance Group AG” (VIG) and is the largest company of this group in the Baltic region. AAS "BTA Baltic Insurance Company" (BTA Baltic) is a subsidiary of "BTA Insurance Company" SE (BTA) that started operations in the Baltic States as of 1 st of July, 2015, following the successful completion of the reorganization process by separating business activities in the Baltic States and the rest of Europe.

47110 36624.170398 oo 34132 26534.837275 ka 30618

Share by mail. Insurer Code. LT-12. Address line1.

Pedikyr renstiernas gata

Aas bta baltic insurance company

AAS "BTA Baltic Insurance Company" Gada pārskats Par gadu, kas noslēdzās 2018.

Aas bta baltic insurance company

Kitos šalies suteiktas kodas: AAS BTA Baltic Insurance Company Eesti filiaal Задолженности Налогово-Таможенному Департаменту ЭР За последние 180 дней задолженности отсутствуют. AAS BTA Baltic Insurance Company Eesti filiaal Võlgnevused Maksu- ja Tolliametile.
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BTA Baltic Insurance Company, a joint-stock company (hereinafter – the Company) was established in 2014 by way of reorganization of BTA Insurance Company SE, by splitting the company according to the geographic boundaries of business: the Baltic States and the rest of Europe. The sole shareholder of the AAS „BTA Baltic Insurance Company“ filialas Lietuvoje yra viena didžiausių ne gyvybės draudimo bendrovių šalyje, Baltijos šalių draudimo rinkos lyderės „Vienna Insurance Group AG“ narė. 2017 metais Lietuvoje BTA užregistravo beveik 55 tūkst. žalų, klientams atlygino nuostolių už 38,2 mln. eurų.

AAS "BTA Baltic Insurance Company" Gada pārskats Par gadu, kas noslēdzās 2018. gada 31. decembrī.
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Shares List - IG Index - Yumpu

Latvia. Ondernemingsnr. FSMA Nummer.

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Latvia. Ondernemingsnr. FSMA Nummer. 3184.

BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS - Upphandlingar - Mercell

34, 05132, VILNIUS Member of Vienna Insurance Group © 2020 AAS BTA Baltic Insurance Company Teatame, et käesoleval veebilehel kasutatakse funktsionaalsuse parandamise, statistika ja turunduse küpsiseid selle veebilehe kasutamiskogemuse isikustamiseks ja parandamiseks. AAS "BTA Baltic Insurance Company" (BTA Baltic) is a subsidiary of "BTA Insurance Company" SE (BTA) that started operations in the Baltic States as of 1 st of July, 2015, following the successful completion of the reorganization process by separating business activities in the Baltic States and the rest of Europe.

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