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If it's like my https://www.ebay.com/itm/332363752426?ul_noapp=true. eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in new window or tab, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. The Philips Hue United States and many other countries See details Import charges: Refer to eBay Return policy for more details. Get an immediate offer. Postnord tar sedan 2018 ut en importtullsdeklarationsavgift, Näthandlar du från USA tillkommer så kallad ”sales tax”, motsvarigheten till vår moms.
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Enter the charge beside the Cost field. The "import charges" are a repayment of what Pitney Bowes pays in duty and taxes and then some. If you're paying duty and taxes to CBSA upon receipt of an item that was listed as being shipped through the Global Shipping Program, the seller screwed up and shipped the item directly to you rather than to the Global Shipping Center in Kentucky so that it could be forwarded to you. Customs charges are set by our very own HMRC, and are nothing to do with the seller or eBay - you are the importer.
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Det du köper går via Ebays anläggning i Erlanger, Kentucky och sen via deras anläggning i England. Import charges are imposed by your country. When they're prepaid they've been collected on your behalf and remitted to your country's customs/duty entity. You should not face additional charges. Please do bear in mind the -seller- has no control over them, doesn't receive the money, and is 'hands-off' where they are concerned.