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This year's issue is part of the Danish presidency programme for the Nordic Nordic Economic Policy Review Number 1/2010 [Elektronisk resurs]. Publicerad: Nordiska ministerrådets förlag, 2010; Odefinierat språk. E-bok. Länka till posten. No electronic formats are available for this title.
Björn Öckert - Google Scholar
Nordregio Follow. Professor, IFAU - Cité(e) 2 129 fois - Economics of education - Labor economics CA Pissarides. Nordic Economic Policy Review 1 (2011), 209-232, 2011.
Swedish Economic Policy Review, Volume 7, No. 1 Economic
I am Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Uppsala University and Children: Lessons from Sweden, Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2017, pp. Professor, Economics Department, Uppsala University current (2014), “Networks and Youth Labor Market Entry”, Nordic Economic Policy Review, Issue 1 pp. Arbetsmarknadsintegrering av flyktingar: Hur det går och varför?I denna specialutgåva av Nordic Economic Policy Review (NEPR) har erkända ekonomer The contributions document how income inequality in the Nordics in various dimensions have increased over recent decades. These developments are put in an 2012: Guest editor (with Peter Fredriksson) of special issue of Nordic Economic Policy Review. 2012: TrygFonden Foundation, Denmark, Peer Review Panel. Here you can search among our reports, working papers, policy briefs The articles in the 2019 Nordic Economic Policy Review analyse how Ledamot, Committee on International Economic Policy and Reform (CIEPR), Nordic Economic Policy Review, American Economic Review, Journal of Money, Ledamot, Committee on International Economic Policy and Reform (CIEPR), Nordic Economic Policy Review, American Economic Review, Journal of Money, av M Ryner · 1994 · Citerat av 35 — Aglietta, Michel (1982) 'World Capitalism in the Eighties', New Left Review 136: 5-41. Mjoset, Lars (1987) 'Nordic Economic Policies in the 1970s and 1980s', He was appointed professor of economics at Uppsala University in 1988 joined SSE in 1998.
Nordic Economic Policy Review aims to produce policy relevant research within the field of economics.
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Nordic Economic Policy Review 2.2 National climate policies and the European Emissions Trading System Frederik Silbye and Peter Birch Sørensen analyze the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
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Activation Policies in Sweden: “Something Old, Something
This year’s issue is part of the Danish presidency programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2015. The review addresses policy issues in a way that is useful for in-formed non-specialists as … Nordic Economic Policy Review Whither the Nordic Welfare Model? Torben M. Andersen, Jesper Roine, Bernt Bratsberg, Knut Roed, Michael Svarer, Michael Rosholm, Tuomas Takalo, Otto Toivanen, Guttorm Schjelderup, Julian V. Johnsen, Katrine V. Løken, Helena Holmlund, Nabanita Datta Gupta, Bent Jesper Christensen, Andreas Bergh, Johanna Mollerstrom Nordic Economic Policy Review: Economics of Education: Author: Nordisk Ministerråd: Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2012: ISBN: 9289323841, 9789289323840: Length: 309 pages: Subjects The Nordic Economic Policy Review is published by the Nordic Council of Ministers. This year’s issue is part of the Danish presidency programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2015.
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Johan Vikström - Google Scholar
A comparison of policies, regulations and results across countries yields The Nordic Economic Policy Review is published by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Nordic Economic Policy Review: Labour Market Integration in
What we need is knowledge about how the labor market careers are likely to evolve over … Nordic Economic Policy Review: Consequences of youth unemploymentand effectiveness of policy interventions Nordic Economic Policy Review: Challenges in health care financing and provision Nordic Economic Policy Review: Globalization, labour market institutions and wage structure On Tuesday, the think tank Fores presented the report Climate Policies in the Nordic – Nordic Economic Policy Review 2019 (Nordic Council of Ministers), with Lars Calmfors, IFN, and John Hassler, Stockholm University, as editors. Together with a number of researchers, they have studied how the Nordic countries can best contribute to international climate policy. Calmfors and Hassler propose Nordic Economic Policy Review 1. Introduction Climate change has become a key concern for policy makers, busi ness leaders and individuals all over the world. There exists a broad scientific consensus that the emissions of greenhouse gases, main ly carbon dioxide (CO 2), … Nordic model (Introduction, Nordic Economic Policy Review No 2, 2015, pp. 8–9): … the Nordic model should not be defined or assessed in terms of specific policy instruments, what matters is the overarching objectives.
Link. 15. Integrating 252-300 , "Social insurance and the marriage market", Working paper 2015:6 och Linus Liljeberg: Nordic Economic Policy Review, TemaNord 2017:520, pp.