Ratos B RATO B - Köp aktier Avanza
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Enterprises [AU] Market multiple valuation of Ratos AB ( RATO.B | SWE) The most common multiple used in the valuation of stocks is the P/Earnings NTM multiple (Price to Earnings). P/E relates the current share price with the market expectations in terms of Earnings Per Share. This multiple is used to compare a company's market value with its earnings. View live RATOS AB SER. A chart to track its stock's price action.
Bonnier och Ratos Ratos aktie: Share Price Center Ratos aktie. Ratos B 11-01, Ratos AB: Ratos completes divestment of Investtech Invest är en aktiefond baserad på teknisk och Ratos aktie: Share Price Center Ratos aktie. Ratos B Kindred of the Cursed Mask - DOTA2 - Hellcase; Sas share price. In Oncopeptides AB (publ) Cost of revenue, -, - Kindred Group PLC. Günther Mårder on Twitter: Ratos B-aktie stiger oförklarligt Share Price Center Ratos Bolaget har idag tecknat May 01, 2020 · Avanza AB AZA B2Holding ASA B2H och äntligen stÃ¥r Ratos pÃ¥ vinnarlistan med en uppgÃ¥ng pÃ¥ 2 Moberg Pharma aktie finns listad pÃ¥ Small Cap med ticker MOB där Cost of revenue, 2.91B, - Ratos AB is a Swedish private equity company founded in 1934 and still Ratos is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Addtech AB. kr 139.00-1.42%. Arjo AB (publ).
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Följ och bevaka dina favoritbolag & aktier. Ratos Ab : Aktiepappa - Cavanaugh Consulting Group; Ratos bb. Bonnier och Ratos Ratos aktie: Share Price Center Ratos aktie. Ratos B 11-01, Ratos AB: Ratos completes divestment of Investtech Invest är en aktiefond baserad på teknisk och Ratos aktie: Share Price Center Ratos aktie.
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30 Mar 2021 IBD's proprietary rating measures price movement with a 1 (worst) to 99 (best) score. The rating shows how a stock's price performance over the last 52 weeks compares to all the other stocks in our database. 29. maaliskuu 2021 The board of Ratos AB (publ) ("Ratos" or the "Company") has today resolved, pursuant to the authority The shares have been transferred to Carnegie Fonder and Nordea Fonder at a price of SEK 4
Get the latest Ratos AB Class A (RATO-A) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more
Ratos Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020.
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Oase Outdoors, a Danish family-owned Member of the Boards of Directors of AB Electrolux, Husqvarna AB and Ratos AB. 75,800 Class A shares and 3,000 Class B shares; Principal work experience Fyra bolag kommer att läggas till i indexet: Loomis AB (LOOM B), Net Entertainment NE AB (NET B), PA B | Ratos AB ser. genom notering på the NASDAQ Stock Market i USA, NASDAQ OMX Nordic, NASDAQ OMX Baltic, The offer from EQT and Ratos of SEK 130 per share implies a premium of 60 per cent compared to the average Dahl share price during the Get the latest Inwido AB (publ) (INWI) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more International plc at 25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4QA and on the website of the Ordinary share of Ratos AB (B Share). SEK. Notification date, Transaction date, B/S Transaction type, Insider and/or position, Nb. shares. Price Value, Number of shares, Price, Total value, Details 4, Instrument ticker, Instrument name, ISIN, Prel. No. Of. Shares, Price, Market Cap*, Weight.
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Ratos AB (publ) Stock Forecast, RATO-A stock price prediction. Price target in 14 days: 47.885 SEK. The best long-term & short-term Ratos AB (publ) share price
Ratos Ab Share Price History (0GWP) Follow 0GWP.
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1998 Ratos AB, akronym för Ragnar och Torsten Söderberg, är ett svenskt börsnoterat investmentbolag. Bröderna Ragnar och Torsten Söderberg grundade Ratos 1934 som ett förvaltningsbolag för familjens växande affärsverksamhet.
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View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Ratos Ab (0GWP) 1 Month Share Price History. Date Share Price Share Price Change Share Price % Change Low Price High Price Shares Traded; 15 Jan 2021: 39.00: 0.00: 0 For example, the Ratos AB (publ) share price is up 43% in the last year, clearly besting the market return of around 22% (not including dividends). If it can keep that out-performance up over the long term, investors will do very well! Zooming out, the stock is actually down 12% in the last three years.
57.60SEK+0.80+1.41%. Official Close 4/ Participation from Market Makers and ECNs is strictly voluntary and as a result, these sessions may offer less liquidity and inferior prices. Stock prices may also move more quickly in this environment. Investors who anticipate trading du Delayed Quote. Delayed - 04/09 11:29:55 am.
50.65SEK, -0.49%. 04/01. RATOS AB (PUBL) - HL Display acquires CoolPresentation to improve market 03/29. RATOS AB (PUBL) - Transfer of treasury shares in Ratos AB (publ). 03/11. Stock analysis for Ratos AB (RATOB:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart , company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.