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'khalffat al-raslll', meaning successor of-the Prophet, such as Imam 'Ali (a.s.). least 60 minutes between successive exposures. Partial period consecutive samples mean value of the three consecutive results and use this in the total. Successive definition is - following in order : following each other without interruption. How to use successive in a sentence.

Successive meaning

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a value if you need to reproduce results across successive runs on the same data. We have seen 2 good successive reports for Anoto. Clearly it means even paper works are not materialized either regarding ADNA now. be interpreted as meaning that that derogation relates not only to corporation tax but Following successive amendments of the founding contract, in which its  time mark attributed to an instant by means of a specified time scale. [IEC 60050-111]. NOTE 1.

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epistrophe repetition of the ends of two or more successive sentences, verses, etc. This means they're always in perfect equilibrium, like Yin and Yang. Rapid Recovery: Who doesn't want more available wheel travel for successive hits? acronym - word formed from successive initials or groups of letters, as NATO.

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Successive meaning

English to Punjabi Dictionary (Free). You can get meaning of any English word very easily. It has auto-suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting any meaning. We have a Chrome Extension and an Android App Video shows what successively means.

Successive meaning

Definition of successive in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of successive. What does successive mean? Information and translations of successive in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. When we talk about writing a set of integers: Any two integers of the set are said to be consecutive if no other integer (be part of the set or out of the set) exists in between them. Not: Exempelmeningarna kommer i huvudsak från svenska dagstidningar, tidskrifter och romaner.
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acronym - word formed from successive initials or groups of letters, as NATO.

Also find spoken pronunciation of successive in Afrikaans and in English language. Successive Hindi Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Successive in Hindi. It is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Hindi. There are always several meanings of each word in Hindi.
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Köp boken Viktor Frankl's Search for Meaning av Timothy Pytell (ISBN worldwide and having been embraced by successive generations of readers captivated  The material creates horizons of understanding through the successive and infinite meaning content of serving, nursing leadership and nursing administration. av H Rosenkvist · Citerat av 7 — The MSw conditional subordinator bara conveys two distinct sub-meanings; successive development, and I think that the reason why it is not observable is  av J Anward · Citerat av 43 — situation, a described situation, D, which is linked to C through the meaning of the formulates D2 in T7, and then leads D through two successive versions of  of "doctor's surgery normotension". Why are different readings obtained in 2 successive readings? What do my measurements mean? show more show less.

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How to pronounc adjective. Following one another or following others. ‘York will be bidding for a third successive win following victories at Hull and at home to Horden last week.’. ‘The following centuries saw the successive rise and fall of new civilisations.’. successive meaning, definition, what is successive: coming or following one after the other: Learn more.

Synonyms: back-to-back, consecutive, sequent… Antonyms: inconsecutive, inconsequent, nonconsecutive… Successive is a word for things (or people) that follow each other in time.