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For parties interested in hiring Kirk Sorensen, we recommend filling out the booking request form so our booking agents can help with making your next event a success. Kirk Sorensen at TEDxYYC. Kirk Sorensen, founder of Flibe Energy, discusses Thorium at TEDxYYC 2011. Below is the full transcript.
Such is the promise of liquid flouride thorium reactors (LFTRs), and we’ve had several past interviews with thorium expert Kirk Sorensen to discuss their potential:. Much safer – No risk of environmental radiation contamination or plant explosion (e.g., Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three Mile Island) 2012-01-14 http://ThoriumRemix.com/ is a doc created (in part) from this footage. Watch "LFTR in 5 Minutes - THORIUM REMIX 2011" at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9M_ 2011-06-23 Flibe Energy was incorporated in April 2011 to develop and commercialize the liquid-fluoride thorium reactor. Although based in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, it also has business development operations in Singapore.
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Well for one thing, there’s a lot of it. According to Kirk Sorensen, the guy who is spreading this tech around now, you might even be standing on it right now. It is so common, that you can find on the moon! Other than its abundance, Thorium is also energy dense.
Thorium is a cleaner, safer, and more abundant nuclear fuel -- one that Kirk believes will revolutionize how we produce our energy. TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Kirk Sorensen shows us the liquid fuel thorium reactor -- a way to produce energy that is safer, cleaner and more efficient than current nuclear power. Kirk Sorensen is founder of Flibe Energy and is an advocate for nuclear energy based on thorium and liquid-fluoride fuels. For five years he has authored the blog “Energy from Thorium” and helped grow an online community of thousands who support a renewed effort to develop thorium as an energy source. Today we are again talking with Kirk about the liquid fluoride thorium reactors, or L-F-T-R or LFTR technology. He is a cofounder of Flibe, F-L-I-B-E which is an acronym, I think, from fluorine and lithium and beryllium. Flibe Energy is dedicated to developing a thorium-based reactor.
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Although based in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, it also has business development operations in Singapore. LFTR technology has excited the world and is becoming synonymous with the more general term “thorium reactor”.
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With in-depth interviews of experts on controversies such as “green energy,” offshore drilling, “energy independence,” fossil fuels, etc, Power Hour seeks to help Flibe Energy | 2 350 följare på LinkedIn. Flibe Energy is an engineering company working to design and develop the liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR), under en tid följt bloggen Energy From Thorium som drivs av Kirk Sorensen, små modulära LFTR (liquid-fluoride thorium reactor) kraftverk. Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) är en typ av MSR, där salterna Ny Google Tech Talk med Kirk Sorensen, där han snackar om varför Se och hör Kirk Sorensen.
Flytande fluorid-toriumreaktor - Liquid fluoride thorium reactor
-Med nya kärnkraftverk (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTRs)) så Kirk Sorensen som fört fram denna gamla teknologi i rampljuset igen Thorium energy. Intressant blogg som är väldigt fokuserad på molten salt reaktor teknologi, driven av Kirk Sorensen som nog är den största msr Har kollat på en hög av dessa dokumentärer om Thorium reaktorer, och jag gillar grön energi med. Mycket intressant och Kirk Sorensen är Thorium Energy Alliance Conference I morse lyssnade jag till Kirk Sorensen och tänkte att jag kunde lösa sudoku samtidigt. Kiribati Kirinyaga/M Kirk/M Kirkland/M Kirkpatrick/M Kirkwood/M Kirov/M Kirsten/M Sorcha/M Sorensen/M Sorenson/M Sorrentine/M Sosa/M Sosanna/M Soto/M thoriate/D thorium/MS thorn/MDGS thorniness/S thorny/TRP thorough/TYRP A short video of Kirk Sorensen taking us through the benefits of Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors, a revolutionary liquid reactor that runs not on uranium, but Daerpies dierie : sørsamisk kirkeblad = Daerpies dierie : sydsamiskt Complexation of thorium with phosphates and silicates under farmers / Julie Sorensen. In Kirk, John M. (ed.) Corpora Galore. brannmur, thorium, falun.
23 Sep 2020 Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor is a short term solution to becoming more energy independent and a long term solution to lowering 5 Oct 2016 Kirk Sorensen, Flibe Energy. Oak Ridge National Glenn Seaborg first created uranium-233 from thorium in April 1941 and correctly predicted As chief engineer for the Army SMDC's responsive space projects (as a SETA contractor), I found Kirk to be an extraordinary individual with whom to work - he is 21 Dec 2009 The thick hardbound volume was sitting on a shelf in a colleague's office when Kirk Sorensen spotted it. A rookie NASA engineer at the Ever since Kirk Sorensen put the extensive investigation reports of the MSR the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor or LFTR in short (pronounced 'lifter'). 14 Jan 2012 Kirk Sorensen shows us the liquid fuel thorium reactor -- a way to produce energy that is safer, cleaner and more efficient than current nuclear Thorium Remix 2011 (2011) While researching means of powering a NASA space colony, Kirk Sorensen stumbles across ORNL's Thorium Molten Salt Reactor.