Vad betyder USO? -USO definitioner Förkortningen Finder
the 97732660 , 91832609 . 74325593 of 54208699 and
Governmental » Navy. Add to My List Edit this Entry Rate it: (0.00 / 0 votes) Translation Disclaimer. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. --U--Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically.
USNR. United States Naval Reserve. Acronym, Meaning. USNR, United States Naval Reserve. USNR, United States Navy Regulation. All trademarks/service marks referenced on this site are VR is the acronym for a Navy Transport squadron.
Vad betyder USO? -USO definitioner Förkortningen Finder
ChC-V(G)-- USNR officer designation for Chaplain qualified for general detail afloat or ashore. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by ChC or ChC(S). USNR - United States Naval Reserve; USS - United States Ship; UWT - Underwater Telephone; V. VA/VAM - Fixed Wing Attack/Fixed Wing Medium Attack (no longer used) VAQ - Fixed Wing Electronic-Attack Squadron; VAW - Fixed Wing Airborne Early Warning Squadron; VBSS - Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure; VCNO - Vice Chief of Naval Operations; VDS - Variable Depth Sonar Acronym Definition; USNR: United States Naval Reserve: USNR: United States Navy Regulation Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of USNR?
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• The abbreviation of General = GEN o US Navy Captain = CAPT referring to members of the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps. a. have to pause, remember what the abbreviation or acronym means, then continue reading.
Contracting Officer (in DTS, “CO” is the acronym for Certifying Officer; most Army USNR. United States Navy Reserve.
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Get USNR full form and full name in details. Visit to know long meaning of USNR acronym and abbreviations. It is one of the best place for finding expanded names.
We know 19 definitions for USNR abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories.
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From: <Saved by Blink> Subject: michan?? @michugun
V1-- Accredited College Program and Naval ROTC (USNR classification) V2-- Aviation Branch (USNR classification) V3-- Communications (USNR classification) V4-- Intelligence (USNR classification) V5-- Aviation Cadets (USNR classification) V6-- General Service and Specialists (USNR classification) MC-V(S)-- USNR designation for medical officers qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by MC or MC(S). MCW-- Modulated Continuous Wave MCW-- USNR officer designation for Women's Reserve, Medical Corps. Formerly MC(W).
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From: <Saved by Blink> Subject: michan?? @michugun
Military, Politics, Navy.
the 97732660 , 91832609 . 74325593 of 54208699 and
Dec 2, 2016 The SEAL acronym comes from Sea, Air and Land, the three environments where the Navy's special (Credit: U.S. Navy via Getty Images). Nov 12, 1999 The U.S. Navy's newest oceanographic survey vessel has been named the USNS MARY SEARS in honor of the long-time Woods Hole Mar 27, 2018 This article traces the history of women in the U.S. Navy, from the reserve would be known by the acronym WAVES – Women Accepted for Nov 15, 1985 authorized abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym in parentheses. USNR. United States Naval Reserve. USNS.
showing only Military and Government definitions ( show all 2 definitions) USNR abbreviation. Define USNR at Printer friendly.