Sweden Population density by county, 2020 - knoema.com


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With a population of about 2.4 million, the province represents over 20 percent of the total Swedish population and has a population density of almost 360 inhabitants per square kilometre. The entire province of Stockholms Län is part of the metropolitan area and is also known as Storstockholm (Great-Stockholm). 1) Events (Births, Deaths, Migrations) that has occurred before January 1, 2018, but submitted to Statistics Sweden after February 1, affects the population size but is not reported as events in January-December 2018. This part of the population increase/decrease is shown in the adjustment post.

Stockholm county population density

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299,925 people or 32.1% of Stockholm's residents are of an The population of the counties (län) and municipalities (kommuner) of Sweden according to official estimates. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, nationality, country of birth). Huddinge has a total population of roughly 110,000, or 4.5% of the population of Stockholm County. The average age is 36.7 years, but one-third of the population is under 25 years of age. This means that Huddinge has a slightly younger population than both Stockholm County (38.9 years) and the whole country (40.6 years). With more than two million inhabitants, Stockholm is the most densely populated county of Sweden. The county of Stockholm is administratively separate from that of the City of Stockholm.

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In 2020, 80 175 people were granted Swedish citizenship, which is 25 percent more than in 2019. A majority of the new Swedish citizens were men, although women accounted for the largest increase. Both immigration and average life expectancy were affected in the wake of the pandemic.

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Stockholm county population density

2021-04-11 2020-09-17 We found that the correlation (Spearman rho) between all cancer incidence rates per 100,000 people and the population density of the county peaked (rho = 0.40, P < .001) for only those counties with population densities of less than 100 people per square mile, or, when … Population and housing information extracted from decennial census Public Law 94-171 redistricting summary files for Washington state for years 2000 and 2010.

Stockholm county population density

Answer: Stockholm county (Stockholms län), Sweden (capital: Stockholm) - last known population is ≈ 2 227 500 (year 2015). This was 22.778% of total Sweden population. In this year, Stockholm county population density was 341.7 p/km².
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The top 5   Stockholm county increased its population share from 10% to pointing towards a clear correlation between population density and productivity.

The people living in ZIP code 13696 are of Stockholm and the remaining 25 municipalities of Stockholm county (average population size 60 800).
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Population density per sq. km.

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Map - Stockholm Municipality Stockholms Kommun - MAP[N

On 1 January 1968, Stockholm County was united with the City of Stockholm. of Stockholm is estimated at 910,000 in 2016 with a population density of 4,800  2 days ago The 2019 population density in sweden is 24 people per km 2 (63 people per to the baltic sea. sweden's capital and largest city is stockholm.

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Sweden. OECD-rapporter om grön tillväxt. Grön tillväxt i Stockholm,. Sverige Density in urban land based on LandScan (pop/km2) Källa: Bygger på uppgifter från LandScan Global Population Database 2009 och CORINE Land Cover  The City of Stockholm has set goals for every aspect of the smart city the main Recently the population of East‐Central Sweden is about 3.5 million.

This was 16.833% of total Sweden population. In this year, Västra Götaland county population density was 68.7 p/km². Stockholm is an area in Upper Aroostook,Aroostook County,Aroostook County,Maine with a population of 508. There are 238 male residents living in Stockholm and 270 female residents. The total number of households is 221 with 2 people per household on average.The median age of the current population is 56 with 297 people being married and 185 being single. The caseload data were from Smittskydd Stockholm (appendix p 6) and the population size data refer to the end of 2019. The second measure, neighbourhood population density (number of individuals per km 2), was computed for the 1313 demographic statistical areas constructed by Statistics Sweden, with an average population of 1800 (appendix pp 3–4).