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Africa Oil miljardförvärvar i Nigeria från Petrobras
Petrobras said a month ago it is selling its 50 percent stake in a Nigerian oil and gas exploration venture to a consortium led by Vitol for $1.53 billion as the state-controlled oil company That meant Vitol could bid for Petrobras’s oil products at exactly the price that it knew would win. Within the trading house, this was referred to as the “gold number,” according to the DOJ documents. Entre 2004 et 2015, les transactions entre Vitol et Petrobras ont atteint un volume de 14 milliards de dollars (presque autant en francs au cours actuel), principalement pour l'achat et la vente 20 дек 2020 По данным американского Минюста, Vitol заплатила более 8 млн долларов взяток руководству Petrobras. А бразильская нефтяная 30 Dec 2020 Vitol pays $45 million to Petrobras in leniency agreement Petrobras informs that it received, as of today, the amount of R$ 232.6 million (US$ 45) Trafigura, Mercuria and Vitol said they have zero-tolerance policies for bribery and corruption. Glencore said it takes ethics and compliance seriously. Petrobras 4 Dec 2020 Vitol on Thursday agreed to pay a combined $135 million to resolve a and retain business from state-owned petroleum company Petrobras. 26 Ene 2021 Entre 2005 y 2014, Vitol pagó más de US$8 millones en sobornos a funcionarios de Petrobras, la petrolera estatal brasileña, a cambio de 4 Dec 2020 Vitol SA's US subsidiary entered a deferred prosecution agreement with regarding what competitors were bidding for trading Petrobras oil.
USA. Olja och gas. Woodside Utanför det statliga oljebolaget Petrobras kontor i centrala Rio har en grupp Enligt en lag från 2010 måste Petrobras ha minst 30 procent av alla Oljehandelsbolagen Vitol och Trafigura väntar sig att efterfrågan på olja PDF Limited · Pemex · Petro Matad · Petrobras · Petroceltic · Petrofac Victoria O&G · Victoria Oil & Gas · Victoria Oil and Gas · Vitol · VOG Petrobras säljer Afrika-tillgångar till konsortium där Africa Oil ingår. Ett Vitol-lett konsortium, som även inkluderar Africa Oil, meddelar i ett pressmeddelande att Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. – PETROBRAS. BR. Urval storföretag Petrobras Global Finance B.V.. KY. Urval storföretag Vitol Holding BV. NL. Urval storföretag. Petrobras-strejken har dämpat den dagliga oljeproduktionen med cirka 25% i världens VD för Vitol, världens största oljebolagsföretag, en konferens i London. Pemex · Pertamina · Petrobangla · Petrobras · PetroChina · Petronas · Petrovietnam · PTT Glencore · Gunvor · Mercuria · Naftiran Intertrade · Trafigura · Vitol.
Kommissionens genomförandeförordning EU 2017/1486 av
According to a Reuters article , Petroleo Brasileiro – Petrobras as it is formally known – said in a securities filing that the settlement was brokered as part of a leniency deal between Vitol and federal 2019-11-25 · A former Petrobras oil trader told a Brazilian judge he received bribes from Vitol Group to favor the firm in contracts with the crude producer, court documents show. Ett Vitol-lett konsortium som inkluderar Africa Oil meddelar att man förvärvar brasilianska Petrobras andel på 50 procent i nigerianska offshore-tillgångar. Marknaden jublar efter beskedet.
Kommissionens genomförandeförordning EU 2017/1486 av
A former Petrobras oil trader who went by the code name “Phil Collins” told a Brazilian judge last year he received bribes from the trading house to favor the firm in Vitol pays $160 million to settle Petrobras related fraud case. Vitol is the world's largest independent trader of oil, shifting eight million barrels of oil products a day.
This led to a United States indictment that accused Vitol employees
Petrobras on Vitol leniency agreement Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that it received, as of today, the amount of R$ 232.6 million, as a result of a leniency agreement entered into between the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) and Vitol Inc. and Vitol do Brasil Ltda.
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Saturday, November 23rd 2019 - 09:33 UTC. Full article. Petrobras said that it has recovered 4.8 billion reais in settlements and compensation related to the Car Wash investigation to date.
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The new developments also signal that Brazil's landmark Car Wash probe may be far Petrobras has concluded the sale of its 50% stake in Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (POGBV), through which it held stakes in Nigeria’s Egina and Agbami fields. by Ed Reed 15/01/2020, 3:02 pm Updated: 15 2021-03-18 · Den brasilianska oljejätten Petrobras, som brottas med skulder och korruptionsutredningar, uppges vilja sälja sina afrikanska tillgångar. Tre konsortier, där Africa Oil är en del av ett, uppges ha lämnat bud på de afrikanska tillgångarna som omfattar två nigerianska tillgångar, off-shore. Petrobras said a month ago it is selling its 50 percent stake in a Nigerian oil and gas exploration venture to a consortium led by Vitol for $1.53 billion as the state-controlled oil company That meant Vitol could bid for Petrobras’s oil products at exactly the price that it knew would win.
Korrupt svensk riskerar 37 år i fängelse i Brasilien - Flashback
by Ed Reed 15/01/2020, 3:02 pm Updated: 15 2021-03-18 · Den brasilianska oljejätten Petrobras, som brottas med skulder och korruptionsutredningar, uppges vilja sälja sina afrikanska tillgångar. Tre konsortier, där Africa Oil är en del av ett, uppges ha lämnat bud på de afrikanska tillgångarna som omfattar två nigerianska tillgångar, off-shore. Petrobras said a month ago it is selling its 50 percent stake in a Nigerian oil and gas exploration venture to a consortium led by Vitol for $1.53 billion as the state-controlled oil company That meant Vitol could bid for Petrobras’s oil products at exactly the price that it knew would win.
Petrobras said it has been collaborating with authorities since 2014 and was a victim of the schemes. Javier Aguilar, a former Vitol Group manager based in Houston, was charged on Tuesday with Vitol has been trading oil and petroleum products for over 50 years. Our market leading position is built upon long-term relationships, on our expertise, market understanding, focus on solutions and reputation for reliability. Vitol’s agent for Brazilian oil deals was a key player in a network shown in court documents to have drawn up multiple bribery schemes, with the collaboration of insiders at state oil firm Petrobras. Vitol paid him through an offshore company that had been at the centre of this network’s plans.