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Joomla empty trash

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then we just Steps to reproduce the issue Go to banners, stick a banner in the trash Select status trashed Expected result Empty trash button is shown Actual result Empty Trash button is not shown System information (as much as possible) Joomla 3.50 Joomla 2.5 - Select Articles to be Trashed - Click Empty Trash Use the checkbox to select the articles you want to purge from your site Click on the ‘ Empty Trash ‘ button on the top right If you delete article and empty trash, record with #__ucm_content.100 is not removed. Records from #_contentitem_tag_map table are properly removed; Records from #_ucm_base and #_ucm_content tables are not removed. I'm in the process of upgrading old Joomla 1.5 site with 200k+ articles 4. Select “Trash” Yes. Can you believe it was that simple. So now if you want to purge your deleted items from your Joomla site: 5.

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To edit items on your Main Quick Access: Open Menu Manager; Edit Existing Menu Item; Add New Menu Item; Delete Menu Item Step 3: Click Trash. trash menu item ..

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Joomla empty trash

trash article in article manager (webadmin) confirm ucm_content state is -2 (mysql) go back to article manager and clear trash (webadmin) check back ucm_content to confirm that row was not removed, its left there hanging -2 (mysql) I've used article model to delete 100,000 articles from DB. I'm creating a custom component for Joomla 3.0 but need to know how to run a function when the user clicks "empty trash" in the administrator side.

Joomla empty trash

Now all the posts on your page are displayed. Joomla 3.0 Select Items and Empty Trash in Module Manager. Select all items to purge from the Module Manager Modules Trash Manager; Click on ‘ Empty Trash ‘ You will see a message that looks like: Message: 2 modules successfully deleted. 4. Change Status back to ‘Select Status’ Now you purged everything from the Module Manager Trash bin. Joomla Trash: empty recycle bin with one click Since Joomla 1.6 the trash is not available in a central place.
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trash menu item .. Windwalker contains single action controller(Joomla new MVC), XUL engine, $ canDo); // In debug mode, we remove trash button but use delete button  ImageManager for Joomla!

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trash-restore. trash-restore-alt. tree. trophy. truck. truck-  \e012"}.glyphicon-ok:before{content:"\e013"}.glyphicon-remove:before{content: "\f012"}.fa-cog:before,.fa-gear:before{content:"\f013"}.fa-trash-o:before{content fa-drupal:before{content:"\f1a9"}.fa-joomla:before{content:"\f1aa"}.fa-language  As you can see - for this one we've raided the trash (well we wanted to use would have!) and recycled some empty cans (also very ecologically sound).