Issuer newsfeed - JOOL Group


Vår passion är entreprenörskapet - JOOL Group

2019. Real Danmark ApS. 119 MDKK. Bond. 2019. Enghave Brygge Invest ApS. 65 MDKK. – JOOL Invest – Lessebo Paper – Zanders Paper – Ess-Enn Timber – Tibro Sågverk Jool Invest AB has become a co‐investor in Zanders Paper GmbH. The Swedish company with subsidiaries mainly within paper, wood products and finance industries, has a clear industrial mindset and will be an active partner bringing further experience and capital creating a strong foundation for the planned growth of Zanders Paper.

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19 Sep 2019 Zanders Paper GmbH has increased production based on its strong order situation while shareholder JOOL Invest AB has secured the liquidity  19. Sept. 2019 Der Geschäftsführer weiter: „Mit JOOL Invest als Gesellschafter schließen wir die Restrukturierung von Zanders Paper erfolgreich ab und  27 Apr 2019 Jool Invest AB has become a co‐investor in Zanders Paper GmbH. The Swedish company with subsidiaries mainly within paper, wood  19. Sept.

JOOL Invest AB - företagsinformation

Bostadsrättsföreningen Sorella; Lars Mikael Henriksson . 43 år Jool Invest AB jämte andra bolag inom JOOL-koncernen kommer i samband med transaktionens genomförande att konvertera samtliga sina fodringar mot bolaget uppgående till ca 50 mkr till eget kapital i Förvärvsbolaget.

Issuer newsfeed - JOOL Group

Jool invest ab zanders

JOOL Invest AB Ordinarie ledamot .

Jool invest ab zanders

Having built companies for decades, our passion is green growth and entrepreneurship – … The German Zanders Paper GmbH increases production based on the strong order situation.
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Bergisch Gladbach – JOOL Invest AB has become a co?investor in Zanders Paper GmbH. The Swedish company with subsidiaries mainly within paper, wood products and finance industries, has a clear industrial mindset and will be an active partner bringing further experience and capital creating a strong foundation for the planned growth of Zanders Paper. – Zanders Paper – Ess-Enn Timber Change of ownership in Koggbron AB (publ) and Malmö Katrinelund 27 AB (publ) Nov 18, 2020 – JOOL Invest – Lessebo Paper

We are a family-owned corporate group, rooted in Swedish industrial tradition. Having built companies for decades, our passion is entrepreneurship – both our own and that of others. Jool Invest AB has become a co-investor in Zanders Paper. The Swedish investment company has interests mainly within the paper, wood products and finance industries.
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David Ivarsson - CFO, JOOL Invest AB and Lessebo Paper AB

19 Sep 2019 Zanders Paper GmbH has increased production based on its strong order situation while shareholder JOOL Invest AB has secured the liquidity  19. Sept. 2019 Der Geschäftsführer weiter: „Mit JOOL Invest als Gesellschafter schließen wir die Restrukturierung von Zanders Paper erfolgreich ab und  27 Apr 2019 Jool Invest AB has become a co‐investor in Zanders Paper GmbH. The Swedish company with subsidiaries mainly within paper, wood  19.

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Anton Allansson - JOOL Markets AS

JOOL Capital Partner AB Ordinarie ledamot . ESS -ENN Timber AB Ordinarie ledamot .

Bond (Tap issue) Zanders Paper GmbH. 43 MSEK. Direct loan. 2019. Real Danmark ApS. 119 MDKK.