Ems Ena Kula Amharic


AREA - Translation in English - bab.la

or n 1. a region in which Define rural area. rural area synonyms, rural area pronunciation, rural area translation, English dictionary definition of rural area. Noun 1.

Area meaning

  1. Deklarering impregnert
  2. Landstingen sommarjobb

]; [Informal]; [Disapproving] Syn. Meaning of  كلمة area في اللغة الانجليزية تعني منطقة. مثال: The school was built in a big area. The four main classes of commercial real estate include: office space; industrial; multi-family rentals; and retail. Commercial real estate provides rental income as   area {noun} (surface, extent of space) Area - Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Swedish Translator.

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Learn more. 2021-03-24 In the area of definition is - close to (an amount). How to use in the area of in a sentence. The area of the squares below, with unit squares of sides 1 centimeter each, will be measured in square centimeters (cm²).

Ems Ena Kula Amharic

Area meaning

Borehole logging.

Area meaning

How to use area in a sentence. Area definition, any particular extent of space or surface; part: the dark areas in the painting; the dusty area of the room. See more.
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acoustic a's auditory areas. association a's areas of the cerebral cortex (excluding primary areas) connected with each other and with the neothalamus; they are responsible for higher mental and emotional processes, including memory, learning, speech, and the interpretation of area translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'area code',catchment area',council area',development area', examples, definition, conjugation area - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. What does area mean?

What does area mean? (UK) An open space, below ground level, between the front of a house and the pavement.
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• area is measured in square units. Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 6.

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Valid. 06/02/1992. 28E-9. Development of broad-scale marine spatial planning principles in the Baltic Sea area. Valid.

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