Part I A Grammatical Sketch of Rotokas - PDF hosted at the
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me& kerIkapI. In 1 and 2, the verb kapvu& is transitive, butin 1 the action is in progress, while in 2 the action is completed, therefore,the subject pronoun in 1 nominative and in 2 it is agentive. ‘An agentive individual looks in two directions: to past actions and the responsibility for the actions, and to the future, toward the potential.’ ‘Working like this is a shift in direction, cultivating agentive children instead of subservient ones. Findings show agentive “-er” is much more frequent than instrumental “-er” (>5× token frequency, >3× type frequency). Exponential modeling suggests the productivity of instrumental “-er” is not less than agentive “-er”, and perhaps slightly greater (contra Derwing).
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Abstract. The present study evaluated levels of instrumental and expressive traits and vulnerability to severe depression. A sample of 44 depressed psychiatric patients (i.e., 22 currently depressed patients and 22 remitted depressed patients) completed the Beck Depression Inventory and the Personal Attributes Questionnaire, a well-known personality measure that assesses masculinity (i.e According to this new hypothesis, the presence of agentive subjects correlates with children's acceptance of completion entailment. Based on this theory, the present study examines Basque children and adult language in an attempt to identify whether the phenomenon of endstate neglect correlates with the presence of an agentive subject. In this part of the Introduction to Causal Inference course, we introduce instrumental variables and outline the lecture. Please post questions in the YouTub ‘The focus on instrumentality enables existential warriors to defeat stronger instrumental Western armies such as those of Vietnam and Afghanistan.’ ‘Uniform, along with the cogneries of military discipline procedures, should not be seen only in terms of docility and repression, or ideological instrumentality.’ 3 days ago 0:00. 15:58.
A C T A U N I V... S T O C K H O L M -
As for. av AL Fredriksson · 2016 · Citerat av 15 — Translation into Generic Subject + active verb Adverbial → inanimate agentive-like Subject The text also uses the adjective 'instrumental'. av K Lundin · Citerat av 19 — A full clause like (1:1) consists of a subject and a finite predicate in a relation, primarily Agentive, secondarily Instrumental and thirdly Objective, (2) the av S Cinková · Citerat av 7 — tive, dative, accusative, instrumental) and one must be prepositional When the structure be going to is used with an agentive subject, The standard word order is subject–verb–object (svo), though this can often Femmish also has agentive nouns ending in -ist which usually denotes a In Femmish, instrumental nouns are essentially treated as though they av J Nivre · 2008 — diction, and corpus linguistics, she has been instrumental in establishing a per, while tentative and subject to further scrutiny, should be seen as a step in (intentional) Agentive, in other cases to an Experiencer (Bearer) of a state or process In addition, the "irregular" group should be subject to a more fine-grained of the "agent-instrumental suffix" *-lu/-ngku conditioned by the length of the word For example, some progressives can occur with certain stative predicates, as in 1:8a); some. 3 An agent is understood as typically human and volitional subject av Å Viberg · 2016 · Citerat av 1 — reference of the understood Agent of the infinitive is controlled by the subject of A special construction is used: försvara (sig) med att-S.
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You can browse those The Agentive Case (གིས་). Functions of the Agentive. (The most typical semantic role of a subject is AGENTIVE; that is, the animate being instigating or causing the happening denoting by the verb); 8. Instrumental
Apr 17, 2016 The verb 'hit' requires an animate subject that intentionally carries out the 'hitting' on an object hit
Instrumental and agentive uses of the computer by Françoise Herrmann, unknown edition,
This panel investigates the agentive capacities of mediating artifacts in varied cultural and linguistic contexts. The presuppositions and entailments of certain discursive practices seem or are taken to be inherent in objects or events themselves, such as radios, social depiction to …
Agentive Subject Animate causer of the happening John opened the door. (The most typical semantic role of a subject is AGENTIVE; that is, the animate being instigating or causing the happening denoting by the verb) 8. Instrumental Subject Inanimate causer of the happening The wind opened the door. of transfer of possession entail successful transfer on either variant, while with agentive subjects, verbs suc h as offer fail to entail caused possession in either variant; see also the
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Instrument: object of “with” PP. Beneficiary: object of “for” PP. Apr 24, 2011 An objective. (a) like a subject, is a noun phrase or clause with nominal function ( 11.13 ff) Agentive and instrumental subject. Apart from its In English, the suffix -er is used to form agent and instrument nouns: in -in can be the subject or object of a transitive or intransitive sentence, Nov 17, 2020 Choose from the following set: AGENT, PATIENT, EXPERIENCER, THEME, RECIPIENT, SOURCE, GOAL, PATH, INSTRUMENT, LOCATION, It may also have the role of INSTRUMENT; that is, the entity (generally inanimate) which an agent uses to perform an action or instigate a process: • A stone broke that -eris a productive morpheme for both agentive and instrumental uses (cf.
Findings show agentive “-er” is much more frequent than instrumental “-er” (>5× token frequency, >3× type frequency). Exponential modeling suggests the productivity of instrumental “-er” is not less than agentive “-er”, and perhaps slightly greater (contra Derwing). like an agentive subject is implicit in, and indeed required for, Foucault’s constitutional-ist perspective to work.
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. 171 The Instrumental Noun Phrase (Force) as subject positions in Japanese, but the analyses conducted in this paper show that the subject DPs staying in Spec v is both theoretically and empirically plausible.
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Modality and Subordinators - PDF Free Download - EPDF.PUB
connection of the subject's activity.
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Voice may also vary within a verb phrase containing a modal, just as in a verb phrase containing a more agentive verb such as proovima 'try' in.
Chapter 8. pp.