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Venezuelan Bolivars (VES) per US Dollar (USD) The table below shows historical exchange rates between the Venezuelan Bolivar (VES) and the US Dollar (USD) between 10/5/2020 and 4/1/2021. The table currently shows historical exchange rates for Venezuelan Bolivars per 1 US Dollar. Venezuela Exchange Rate against USD. Venezuela Exchange Rate against USD averaged 1,487,241.100 (VES/USD) in Jan 2021, compared with 1,065,983.100 VES/USD in the previous month. Venezuela Exchange Rate against USD data is updated monthly, available from Jan 1957 to Jan 2021.

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Delas i, 100 centimos Bolívar är namnet på flera olika valutor i Venezuela, alla med namn efter Simón Bolívar. VEF var officiellt bunden till USD till en kurs av 1 USD = 10,00 VEF  Venezuelan Bolivar Exchange Rate History · Recent Rate History · Venezuelan Bolivar and Swedish Krona Conversions  1 Swedish Krona to Venezuela Bolivar Fuerte, 1 SEK to VEF Currency 1 SEK = 0.1533 AUD (Australian Dollar) 1 VEF = 0.00000402 USD (US Dollar) Använd Investing.com´ omvandlare för att omvandla VES till USD . VES/USD - Venezuela Bolivar Amerikansk Dollar Andrahandsval: Amerikansk Dollar. Använd Investing.com´ omvandlare för att omvandla USD till VES . Grundval: Amerikansk Dollar. Andrahandsval: Venezuela Bolivar.

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Uganda Shillings 4490.2047508937 0.0002227070 USD United States Dollars Sums 12786.1472513207 0.0000782096 VEB Venezuela Bolivares  bangladesí (BDT), Monedas de Asia. Currency Rates Converter.

Venezuela Bolivar Amerikansk Dollar VES USD Omvandlare

Venezuela currency to usd

Los apagones se han convertido en algo cotidiano en Venezuela a medida que la crisis económica ha currency. Tar emot gåvor för Agape Venezuelas räkning. Vanliga frågor 290 $ (USD) insamlat av 1 500 $ (USD)15 dagar kvar. Valuta kurs dollar. Börs och valuta rasar efter Argentinaval — kurs dollar Konvertera ARS till USD med pris Argentinsk peso (exchange rate  Venezuela to simplify currency exchange regime - EAC announcement no. Sunday the intention to eliminate the 2.60 VEF/USD exchange rate used for import. Bitcoin BTC och Venezuela money Bolivar VES-sedlar.

Venezuela currency to usd

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Sunday the intention to eliminate the 2.60 VEF/USD exchange rate used for import. Valuta kurs dollar. Börs och valuta rasar efter Argentinaval — kurs dollar Konvertera ARS till USD med pris Argentinsk peso (exchange rate  Bitcoin BTC och Venezuela money Bolivar VES-sedlar.

The national currency of Venezuela is Venezuelan bolívar soberano, VEF. For a new search about a different currency, use the search dropdown to find the country and its currency. GMT Currency … 101 rows Exchange rate, USD in Venezuela, , For that indicator, we provide data for Venezuela from to .
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Omvandla VEF/CAD. Venezuela bolivar till Kanadensisk - XE

The bolívar soberano replaced the bolívar fuerte after a transition period. The primary reason for replacement, at a rate of 1 Bs.S to 100,000 Bs.F, was hyperinflation. On 1 January 2008, the bolívar fuerte had itself replaced, because of inflation, the original bolívar introduced in 1879. It did so at a rate of 1 Bs.F to 1000 Bs. With an exchange rate exceeding two million bolívares per U Venezuela Currency Exchange Rate To Us Dollar.

Its 100-trillion-dollar note is  Jan 23, 2014 The socialist Venezuela propels those with contacts and currency to the U.S. dollars and Venezuelan Bolivares in Caracas on July 16, 2013. Omvandla 1 Venezuelansk bolivar till USA-dollar. Få mid-market-kurser i realtid, historiska kurser, data- och valutadiagram för VEF till USD med XE  Omvandla 1 USA-dollar till Venezuelansk bolivar.