Skeo Sealing Liner - Ottobock SE
more I-4443XX Iceross Seal-In X 3mm Liner I-4446XX Iceross Seal-In X 6mm Liner I-SXC0XX Iceross Seal-In X-Classic Seal-In X-Classic Ring I-SXG0XX Iceross Seal-In X-Grip Seal-In X-Grip Ring I-SXV0XX Iceross Seal-In X-Volume Seal-In X-Volume Ring I-RXC001 Seal-In X-Classic Kit 26-51 10 Seal-In X-Classic Rings I-RXC004 Seal-In X-Classic Kit 20-65 16 Liners. Ottobock is the only company to offer liners made from three different materials – silicone, polyurethane, and copolymer – to give you maximum flexibility in finding the right solution for your patient. These materials perform differently depending upon your patient’s lifestyle and activity. 6 Ottobock | Skeo Liner Skeo Skeo Pure Skeo Skinguard Skeo 3D Skeo Pure The difference is clear The Skeo Pure liner is made of a transparent silicone material. This allows for a visual check of the fit and the skin’s appearance, making it an ideal solution for interim fittings. Benefits • Special outside coating makes the liner easy to don WWW.OSSUR.COM WELCOME TO THE ÖSSUR PROSTHETICS CATALOGUE ÖSSUR PROSTHETIC SOLUTIONS For years, Össur has been helping people to feel safe and confident, to rekindle ambitions and focus on new goals rather than limitations, and to feel Find us Derma Pro Flex Suspension Sleeve and Knee CapDaw Industries Cool Liner 2.0 Durable sealing & vacuum prosthetic sleeve made from a tear resistant gel Derma Protection Sleeve gel material is comfortable on the thigh and provides optimum adhesion to your prosthetic leg SIZE CIRCUMFERENCE (cm) LENGTH (cm) 1 24-32 30 2 30-40 32 3 34-44 33 4 42-56 33 The Ottobock Derma Protection Knee Sleeve is a transtibial (BK) suspension sleeve that provides optimal adherence to the For transfemoral amputees who usually have good soft tissue coverage, the Skeo 3D6Y87 is an innovative thigh liner that encompasses the residual limb, effectively supporting it. Your prosthetist will be happy to advise you regarding the right closure system and your personal requirements.
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General Sales List. acheter #ProSeal es un sistema para usuarios amputados a nivel transfemoral, que destaca Consta de varios componentes: el liner, el anillo y la válvula automática, #sgkanlaşmalıprotezbacak #ottobock #össur #hidrolikdizeklemlidizüstüprotez WIND-DO SEAL LIMITED A flyscreen 7 October 2004 [IRELAND-7 October. 2003] Insoles, pads and liners for Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH of Germany. .se/realized-prices/lot/an-akkadian-lapis-lazuli-cylinder-seal-ZoxDjjy5Bb never .se/realized-prices/lot/carl-walter-liner-suisse-1871-1946-HG_nbXCfCD never juzo dualstretch, juzo liner, juzo slippie, juzo waschmittelkonzentrat, juzoacs messzylinder, metall-verbandschrank, metalline, metro seal, mft2000, micrel Otobar, Ottinger, Otto bock, Owen mumford, Oxmed, Oxycare, P.j.dahlhausen juzo dualstretch, juzo liner, juzo slippie, juzo waschmittelkonzentrat, juzoacs messzylinder, metall-verbandschrank, metalline, metro seal, mft2000, micrel Otobar, Ottinger, Otto bock, Owen mumford, Oxmed, Oxycare, P.j.dahlhausen juzo dualstretch, juzo liner, juzo slippie, juzo waschmittelkonzentrat, juzoacs messzylinder, metall-verbandschrank, metalline, metro seal, mft2000, micrel Otobar, Ottinger, Otto bock, Owen mumford, Oxmed, Oxycare, P.j.dahlhausen Sealapex tubes Sealapex bulk package Sealapex Xpress dual-barrel s REDAPT Porous Acetabular Shell and Cemented Liner HairMD BoneCam OTTO BOCK HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS GMBH 04/02/15 K141812 Jag kommer att sälja ett silikonväska på höften för protesen ICEROSS SEAL IN X 5 89160210934 liner kosmetiska kit för vård av stubben Otto Bock gratis. En normal protes för en bra lår för sådana ändamål är Otto Bock eller Jag kommer att sälja ett silikonväska på en höft för proteser ICEROSS SEAL IN X 5 Jag kommer att acceptera som en present silikon liners på stubben! stubbe över 2021-04-20 2021-04-20 2021-04-20 Otto Bock – Rehband, Christina Holgersson. E-post: 2021-04-20
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Otto Bock Health Care Deutschland GmbH. 1U pansement or bande. € 41.88. General Sales List.
Otto Bock, Modular Single Axis Proximal Seal Interface Liner, Sealing 8 sz 3 uni, tap , x. Ottobock recommends using a shuttle lock, KISS lanyard system or Pro Seal system for TF prostheses. Page 10. Copolymer (Caleo liners). Caleo liners are made
These 13” GEL pads are designed to 'Velcro inside' the Ottobock MEDIUM trough . With 'soft side loop' on the bottom, the 1/2 thick GEL liner is perfect for
De Skeo Sealing biedt een veilige houvast met een hoog niveau aan comfort - en het is betrouwbaar en gemakkelijk te gebruiken. De duurzame afdichtingsring
Single sealing ring available at 2 different heights.
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The liner extends beyond the sock, so rolling up the sleeve attached to the outside of the socket creates an airtight seal where the sleeve and liner overlap.
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And thanks to its especially sturdy sealing ring, the Skeo Sealing securely maintains the vacuum in the prosthetic socket, directly sealing the system. This liner provides you with straightforward support in any everyday situation: It makes it easy for you to put on your prosthesis without an aid They create a seal around the socket’s top edge. After donning a liner (which acts as a second skin) and a prosthetic sock, you insert your residual limb into the socket. The liner extends beyond the sock, so rolling up the sleeve attached to the outside of the socket creates an airtight seal where the sleeve and liner overlap.
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©2019 Otto Bock HealthCare LP. · 16241· 04/19 Ottobock US · P 800 328 4058 · F 800 962 2549 · Ottobock Canada · P 800 665 3327 · F 800 463 3659 · Common Challenges Skeo Sealing Solution The inside of some liners often feel sticky or “slippery”. The 6Y81 ProSeal liner is a special, durable silicone liner for users who have transfemoral vacuum socket prostheses. ProSeal ring technology can be used in transfemoral applications with this liner. The special, smooth exterior coating makes it easy to put on and take off the liner. Ottobock offers an especially smart solution for users with a transfemoral amputation or a knee disarticulation: The Skeo Sealing provides a secure hold with a high level of comfort – and it’s reliable and easy to use.
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Log in to order. Suggested HCPCS Coding: L8417 Ottobock offers an especially smart solution for users with a transfemoral amputation or a knee disarticulation: The Skeo Sealing provides a secure hold with a high level of comfort – and it’s reliable and easy to use. Thanks to its durable sealing ring, the liner provides a reliable seal for the vacuum system. Der Liner sorgt bei der Oberschenkelversorgung in Kombination mit Ausstoßventilen oder dem elektronischen Harmony-System für festen Halt und hohen Komfort beim Tragen Ihrer Prothese. Und dank seines besonders stabilen Dichtungsrings hält der Skeo Sealing den Unterdruck sicher im Prothesenschaft und versiegelt das System unmittelbar. They create a seal around the socket’s top edge.
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